Sarasota-Manatee County USBC 
Photo Gallery
If you receive an award or hit a milestone achievement (highest series/game, pick up the big four, 7-10 etc.) for your bowling, get someone to take your picture and send it and info to Sandy Combs at (  
Don't forget the who, what, when, where, why info with the pic!

Bowlers Bowling in Our Local USBC Association.........
***Bowl a 300 Game or a 800 + Series, Receive an Embroidered Polo Shirt; 
***Bowl an 11-in-a-Row, Receive and Embroidered Towel.
***Bowl 75 pins over average and receive a SMCBA coaster.

102 Club
For those who wonder what happens to the "102" monies we collect over the bowling you know.  It is donated to local charities, this year we donated $1200 to Suncoast Charities.

Congratulations to Jim Ord, Cliff Martin, Jim Beckwith and Bill Bickley for their Florida State Seniors First Place Finish at the 2023 Tournament
Congratulations to Patsy Wedding who won the raffle basket your local association donated to the Florida Stated Youth Leaders.  The raffle was held at the Annual Youth Luncheon held recently at the St Petersburg Marriott. 

***Thanks to Board member Lucie Przybylowicz for putting the basket together for us!

Chris Otteni-Mondo (300)    Tyler Daniels (300)            Aaron Albritton (300)
Alison Shedrow (300)         Cody Jones (300)               David Perna (300)
TJ Miseno (300)
NOT PICTURED YET...Nathaniel Clowser, 300 game; Mark Donushi, 300 game; Shawn Poneleit, 300 game; Tom Rottman, 300 game/800 series; Matthew Stroud, 300 game; Michael Clark 800 series.